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Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Office Locations

To contact an individual through E-mail, click on their name and an E-mail window will open for you.

Central Office

HC 2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2040
Toll Free: 1- 888-405-5005,  FAX #: (802) 241-0341

Fred Jones, Director - 1-888-405-5005

James Allen, Assistive Technology Trainer - (802) 760-9045

Central Office General Contact email:

Barre/Montpelier Regional Office Serves: Caledonia, Essex, Lamoille, Orleans, Washington Counties

100 State Street, Suite 200, Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-904-3701, Fax# (802) 828-2764
Toll Free: (800) 708-7681

Daniel McPhee, Rehabilitation Associate

Heather Allen, Counselor

Kelly Wheatley, Employment Training Specialist (VABIR)


Burlington Regional Office Serves: Chittenden ( Burlington and North), Franklin, Grand Isle Counties

128 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 301, Burlington, VT  05401
Phone: 802-904-3696, Fax# (802) 951-4036

Taya Tarr, Assistant Director

Kaelyn Modrak, Transition & BEP Manager - (802) 777-1921

Bob Tonander, Counselor

Andrew Kranichfeld, Employment Training Specialist (VABIR)

Rutland Regional Office Serves: Addison, Bennington, Chittenden (South of Burlington), Rutland Counties

190 Asa Bloomer Building, Rutland, VT 05701-9408
Phone: (802) 904-3697, Fax# (802) 786-5078

Melissa Hoellerich, Senior Counselor

Kate Bilinski, Rehabilitation Associate

Springfield Regional Office Serves: Orange, Windham, Windsor Counties

100 Mineral Street, Suite 301, Springfield, VT 05156-2306
Phone: (802) 904-3700, Fax# (802)802-732-3977

Mackenzie Floyd, Program Manager

Olga Pschorr, Program Coordinator