National Federation of the Blind of VT 2025 State Convention
Friday April 4th via Zoom for students 8th gr – college
Saturday April 5th In-person 8am-5pm Godnik Ctr Rutland, VT
- with Zoom link availability for those unable to attend In-person
- $30/registration, $5/Membership Dues
NFB Spring Seed of Growth: Philosophy, Community, and Networking
Some seeds to be shared:
- NFB Philosophy in our centers. Maureen Nietfeld, Student Services Director at the Colorado Center for the Blind.
- NFB Philosophy- lively discussion lead by our national rep & member of the NFB board, Jessica Beecham President NFB of CO
- Community: VT Adaptive Sports Tom Alcorn will join us to talk about their programs.
- Community: Board member Mae Lane-Karnas and their mom Katie will give a presentation “One Blind CVI Child’s Experiences Before and After Blindness Skills, which was created for a university program.
- Networking: Computers for the Blind A nonprofit in Texas
- NABS: National Association of Blind Students
Plus Lots More!!!
More information and agenda available soon.
If interested/more information email Susan at
Hope you can join us!